Monday, August 18, 2008

The Apples

One day a man was takind a drive through the country. As he drove alond he sees a sign on the side of the road that says, "APPLES 5 DOLLARS EACH".

Doing a double take the man screeches his car to a stop. He approaches the man and says, "Why the hell are these apples 5 dollars each?" the apple salesman says,"These are special apples. These apples tate like Ham and Cheese. Here try one" The man takes a bit and says "This is incredible!! I taste the ham , but wheres the cheese??" The salesman replies,"Turn the apple over and bite the other side." The man bites the other side and low and behold he tatses the cheese. He buys a dozen and drives off.

About a mile up the road he sees another sign that says"APPLES 10 DOLLARS EACH"

Almost driving off the road he stops and says to the salesman " Why the fuck are these apples 10 dollars each???!!!" The salesman replies,"These are VERY special apples. These taste like Penut Butter and Jelly. Here try one." The man excitedly bite the apple and only tastes the peanut butter. The salesman says,"Turn it around and bite the other side." Low and behold theres the jelly. The man buys a dozen gets back in his car and drives off.

Another mile up the road he sees a sign that says,"APPLES 50 DOLLARS EACH". At this point the man is ready to drive his car into a tree and stops to a crazy halt. He says"WHAT THE FUCK IS SPECIAL ABOUT AN APPLE THAT YOU HAVE TO CHARGE 5O FUCKIN DOLLARS A PIECE??????"The salesman repies,"These are VERY VERY special apples. These apples taste like pussy." "here try one" he says.

The man takes a bite and says,"BLECCCHHHHH!!!THIS APPLE TATSE LIKE SHIT!!!!!!!!"

The salesman says,"I know. You bit the wrong side."

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